You may have a friend or loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease. And perhaps you have noticed that your memory is not quite what it once was. If you want to protect yourself for the future, there are ways that you can strengthen your brain to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.



Reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s with some easy tips to tune up your brain.

Research has shown that you can slow down the shrinkage of your brain, and even INCREASE its size as we get older. Below are five simple ways to increase the size of your brain and to make it stronger as you get older:

#1 Supplement With DHA

If you are going to take just one nutritional supplement, DHA is what you want. DHA is also called docsaheaenoic acid. It is an omega-3 fatty acid that makes up a large portion of your brain tissue. Lower levels of DHA are associated with a smaller brain. It is important to supplement your natural intake of DHA, which comes mostly from seafood. You should take a DHA supplement, which will reduce inflammation in your body and fit the plaque build up that is associated with the disease. It also can help to boost blood flow to your brain. Studies show that if you take 600 mg of DHA each day for six months, it can make your brain function as if it were three years younger.

#2 Stimulate Your Brain

Just as you should add variety to your exercise workouts, you should also switch up your daily mental routines. Put your watch on your opposite wrist, or use your weak hand when brushing your teeth or eating. You even can try to write backwards! These activities activate parts of your brain that may never be fully stimulated.

#3 The Stress Busting Breath 7 7 7 

Everyone knows that stress is bad for us, but did you know that it also can be bad for your brain? Stress is tough on your hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that handles memory. Stress leads to higher levels of cortisol, which can cause brain cell dysfunction and even death of brain cells.

So, three times daily, close your door, take off your shoes and socks, turn off the lights. Breathe in for seven seconds, hold it for seven seconds, and then exhale for seven seconds. Repeating this seven times can help to reset your brain and bring down your cortisol levels. Research shows that this type of relaxation technique can help to boost the size of your hippocampus in 60 days.

Bathing Aids for Alzheimer’s Patients

The above techniques can be useful for reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. But if you have a loved one who already has it, please know there are many helpful products that we offer that can make her life much easier. Some of these include: